The Ruska Award: Ruska award is SEMS’ annual student research award. It is named after Ernst and Helmut Ruska, the inventor of the electron microscope and eminent biologist.
History of the Ruska award
Ruska Award guidelines and submission instructions
Past Ruska Winners

The Jerome J. Paulin Memorial Lectureship Fund: Established in 1994 by SEMS as a tribute to the memory of one of the Society’s most beloved and distinguished members, Dr. Jerome J. Paulin, the fund enables eminent scholars from SEMS to visit and deliver lectures on current topics in microscopy to regional institutions.
More on the Paulin Fund.

The Roth-Michaels Award: Named after Drs. Ivan Roth and Gene Michaels, this award will be geared toward science education at the secondary school level. Ideally once it is initiated, this award should work synergistically with the Ruska award to inspire young microscopists in our region.